Kylie, my niece, visited the Huffstetler household last Monday night. She was staying with Gramma and Poppy and they decided to head to Graham for the Veteran's Day holiday. Kylie and Reese have not seen each other in a long time, so it was great to see the girls interact. Reese wanted to do everything that Kylie riding the tricycle. It was quite a site to see...Reese chasing her big cousin all over the house! We also had a fun-filled day shopping, eating, and playing at the park on Veteran's Day. What a wonderful time...We can't wait for everyone to visit again!

Reese & Kylie...cousins with their pacis!

Gramma, Reese, & Kylie...too cute!

Reese, Poppy, & Kylie...Kylie wanted to go higher and higher!

Miss Kylie Mae having lots of fun!

Kylie riding the tricycle...Reese trying to follow!

Thanks for a FUN visit...We love you Kylie Mae!!