Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother’s Day

Mothers hold their children's hands for a short while, but their hearts forever.  ~Author Unknown

The moment a child is born, the mother is also born.  She never existed before.  The woman existed, but the mother, never.  A mother is something absolutely new.  ~Rajneesh

This is my first Mother’s Day as a mom of two!!  It’s amazing how your heart expands to love and cherish two little beings!  I am so blessed and happy to be Reese and Rylee’s Mommy!!!  I LOVE you girls!


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Friday, May 6, 2011


We went to the zoo back in April.  It was an absolutely beautiful day.  Most of the animals were out and about and the people were too…just at lunch!!  I guess there was a feeding frenzy!  Reese had lots of fun riding in the stroller with her baby sister.  She enjoyed every exhibit and was full of excitement seeing all the different animals!  Her favorite animals of the day were the elephants.  She also like the baby baboons.  Reese kept a tight grip on the zoo map and wanted to know what’s next!?  We went to every exhibit and had two tired little girls!  Reese was asleep before we drove through the zoo exit!!  I think next year Rylee will enjoy the zoo more!!  She slept most of our visit.  We had a great family day!!  Enjoy the pictures!


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Tuesday, May 3, 2011

TWO Months!!!

As I sit here looking at my sweet baby, I can’t believe that 10 weeks have passed since her arrival.  Rylee is definitely having more periods of being awake and is finding her voice!  I love to hear her baby coos and babbles.  She slept for 6 1/2 hours at 5 1/2 weeks which was welcomed by her Mama!!  Thank the Lord we have been blessed with two sleeping babies.  I usually get a good 5-6 hour stretch at night.  She still feeds every 2 hours during the day, and she knows when it’s been 2 hours almost to the minute…it’s amazing!!  At her two month check up, she weighed 12.2lbs and measured 23 1/4 inches.  Rylee was 75th-90th% on the growth chart.  Overall, we have a healthy baby girl!!

I love watching Reese adore her baby sister.  She is an excellent big sister and is truly a great helper. Rylee follows Reese with her eyes and will just smile and coo.  The sight of their sisterly bond developing in front of you definitely warms my heart.  I’m so happy we have added to our family!  Reese and Rylee are the best gifts ever!! 

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5 weeks old

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6 weeks old

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7 weeks old

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8 weeks old

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Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker