Monday, May 4, 2009

My Dirt Loving Diva...

Yes, my daughter LOVES the dirt or sand. She is content just sitting in the dirt with a stick. And she uses the stick as her writing utensil! We can thank her Gamma for that one. Reese loves to get dirty, but she also likes to dress up! She raided my jewelry box and this blue necklace caught her eye. For the last 3 days, she has accessorized with mommy's blue necklace! The funny thing is I was wearing the same blue necklace the day I found out that I was pregnant!!

We went to Elon's baseball games this weekend. The team is doing extremely well and will soon be playing in their conference tournament in Greenville, SC.

Reese eating chicken and Resting up for a full day at the BASEBALL field!!

Playing in the DIRT, of course!! The night prior she grabbed a handful of the dirt/gravel behind her and put it in her mouth!! She immediately stuck her tongue out and I was at her rescue rinsing her mouth out with apple juice!

Reese...her stick...&...her dirt!!!

Reese & Daddy riding the gator after Elon defeated Wofford.

Reese loves the gator. She loves to play outside, but as you can see she likes to wear big necklaces, too! She's a girly girl!

Checking out Daddy's dragging skills...

Reese and the baseball field...Go Elon!!!

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