Sunday, March 27, 2011

ONE Month Old

Rylee is one month old as of March 22, 2011! It's hard to believe that this little girl has been in our life for 4 weeks! We are beyond blessed with a wonderfully sweet baby girl. Robbie, Reese, and I are so in love with Miss Rylee. Reese adores her little sister and is a great help! Both girls have lots of family that love them so much! We have had many friends and family coming to see and meet our new princess, and family staying every weekend. The extra hands have been nice, especially to entertain Reese and give her some of their undivided attention. Thanks to everyone that visited!!

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Rylee is HOME!!

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Big Sister & Little Sister!

Rylee has been such a good baby! I had in my mind that having a second baby may be difficult at first, but it has actually been easier than I had anticipated. She has been sleeping peacefully at night and eating like a champ! Rylee can have her little diva moments in the morning, once we are all awake. It's not every morning, but sometimes you have to walk around with her, bounce her, feed her a little more, or just hold and cuddle her! I think these are times when she wants the extra attention!!  It has been decided that Rylee looks more like me.  We got the baby pictures down and she definitely favors me more than her daddy.  Her eyelashes are really blonde and her hair line is identical to mine as a baby.  It will be interesting to see how Miss Rylee changes over time.  We all knew from the beginning that Reese was her daddy’s twin, so it will be neat to see Rylee’s traits such as her hair color and eye color.  This first month has been one of learning our new normal and how to care and provide for two children. There has been a few trying moments, but I would have to say that our first month as a family of four has been a success!!

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One Week old                                                       Two Weeks old

We decided to keep Rylee inside for a little while due to the big influx of flu and rsv in the month of February. So, after Rylee turned 3 weeks old we decided to venture out. Her first outing we ate lunch at Chili's, shopped at Target, and went to a Mom group dinner! She had a BIG day! Now, Rylee has been out and about...taking her big sister to preschool, Chickfila, the park, afternoon walks, and friends' houses. Hopefully, she will experience her first baseball game soon!

Three Weeks Old

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Rylee had her ONE month checkup with the pediatrician on Friday. She weighed in at 9lbs 15oz and measured 22 inches...75th% on the growth chart. Her birth weight was 7lbs 15oz and she dropped down to 7lbs 7oz at our first peds visit, so she gained 2.8lbs, yay!!!  Everything looked great, however, the pediatrician felt hip clicks on her exam. Reese had a hip click, too. We were followed by an orthopedic surgeon for her first year, which consisted of an ultrasound and x-rays. But in the end everything turned out to be perfect. Hopefully, Rylee's clicks will go away by her 2 month checkup. If not an ultrasound will be ordered. I hope and pray the clicks disappear.

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Since spring has arrived, I know this next month we will have a lot more outdoor time!! I'm so blessed to have 8 more weeks at home with my two sweet girls. I am definitely cherishing these moments and memory making time!

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Anonymous said...

Beautiful girls!!! Wish I was there EVERY weekend. Love you much granma!

Susanna said...

Thanks for sharing...can't wait to meet Miss y'all!!

Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker